New Rehab equipment

Everyday I have to consciously work towards making myself stronger and more capable as I progress in my recovery and learn new techniques to further my independence. Mark Dunham (pictured) volunteers every Sunday to come by for one hour to help me with my workouts. This session is the first run with my new standing frame, half of which was paid for by HelpHopeLive- approximately $3,000.

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Apartment Renovation

The “path to independence” is at the heart of the RIGHT NOW CAMPAIGN. These pictures show the before-and-after of the construction of my new apartment. As you can see, the transformation from a standard ADA apartment to a truly adapted apartment that suits my needs is extensive.  The final picture is having dinner in my new dining room with my parents and girlfriend , who is also named Alex, but known as AJ. The campaign paid through the HelpHopeLive fund totaled $13,000 which covered the complete remodeling of the bathroom and additional storage areas.

Christmas Day

Here I am with my parents on Christmas Day. At this point, I’m living in my apartment but able to come back home where the initial modifications were made when I returned from the hospital. This is a subtle example of what I can do “RIGHT NOW” through this campaign- live on my own and still be able to enjoy a family gathering.

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